Books piled on a wooden bookshelf

Zinc’s 2020 Book Wrap Up

The ZINCsters are at it again! This time last year, we shared our favourite reads from 2019 – and we’re back again to share this year’s top book picks. With 2020 bringing us lots of extra downtime, we spent these socially-distanced hours getting inspiration – and a little escape – from new books. Whether you’re…

two wooden puzzle pieces half fitted together to represent common language for civic projects

Finally a Common Language for civic projects! A Brief Introduction to IAP2

It’s been interesting here in Canada over the past year, as all levels of government struggle to determine what constitutes “enough” consultation and public engagement around civic projects. Many of our clients in local government are being proactive in these areas. Some have drafted and adopted engagement policies, guidelines or frameworks for consultation. From the…

Why We Went “All In” on Communications for Infrastructure Projects

Why We Went “All In” on Communications for Infrastructure Projects

For anyone not familiar with the history of ZINC, I started the communications firm wearing two very different hats. At the time, I had enjoyed success in two distinct areas – helping tech companies get amazing international media coverage, and guiding cities and local governments in telling better stories about the projects they were building….